Current Sampler (Hosted by REVERBNATION)

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

@World Car Nissan Hyundai til 6pm* for work. OFF DAY TOMORROW blessit

Friday, August 12, 2011

"Personal Call (Big Message)"
"A Toast For Amy" Tribute track
looking for someone or a company to print up model color cards, id cards, B/W cards - I got a agency asking for some but the people they're recommendating...I dont like the quality. Thanks in advance - text/email/msg plz blessit

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

@ World Car Nissan til 8pm. PLANNING to go to Alamo Swing 500 - Cowboys Dance Hall! THIS MONTH! releasing "A Toast to Amy" and a personal message tomrrow. Father, thank You for the new job and new opprtunities. May I waste NOTHING. blessit - pray for the day coming.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Waiting to finish paperwork for new job: WorldCar Nissan/Hyundai. Got a few songs coming out soon. Ppl hitting me up with entertainment offers...maybe Im not forgotten yet :) blessit *trying to start up my "Monday Night Swing/Friday night Club" again...feel free to join