Current Sampler (Hosted by REVERBNATION)

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Sam's=CLOSED this Monday for memorial day. Swing Night will be moved=Tuesday night. Same schedule as usual. Spread the word blessit
Sam's=CLOSED this Monday for memorial day. Swing Night will be moved to Tuesday night. Same schedule as usualSpread the word blessit

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Brand New Song: K.T. The O - Graduation. Congrats again, thank you to all, and we out. blessit.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Vitamin C - Graduation. TOMORROW I take it to 2011. blessit and congratulations everyone

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Photoshoot today w/ James Thomas, music work "Graduation" track, maybe a show tonight. blessit - the work, the future, the moments. Smile

Friday, May 6, 2011

**New drink -Snakebite- 2 shots worth of wine (yes, wine) on top of a shot of everclear. **Spiderbite is 151 instead of everclear
everyone starting FINALS: May the Father grant you what you need and what you truly ask for. Im making "Graduation"=accepting LINES for it